SHOCKER: Bet you didn’t know that if you book on the internet, they can bump you from the plane, move you to another hotel, not provide what you bought, or just basically treat you like dirt because they can… after all, you’re just a number & they know there is nothing you can do about it! (Read the fine print!). Who is the internet customer going to call if there is a problem, the little gnome doll?!


Not at Tiki Trips-- we make SURE you get what you buy; they cannot do this to you because you are our client! How so? Airlines, hotels, everyone can ALL SEE WHERE YOUR RESERVATION COMES FROM, & if you are an internet customer, you are the lowest man on the hotel’s totem pole of importance. Did you know that hotels run daily reports of their guests checking in that day, & the hotel staff will “target” internet booking customers for the worst rooms? Or worse, they’ll “bump” the internet customer by sending them away to another hotel without their knowledge or consent! In contrast, the hotel staff will tag our reservations for the best rooms… why? Because when your reservation comes from Tiki Trips—a private company with private clients & private “no disturb” contracts (vs. an internet site with “public” clients & no contracts like ours), then they know not to mess with you & us, & they’ll take good care of you simply because you are our client. We also have superior, “preferred” room types at the resorts… so even if you think you are buying the same room type (our gardenview vs. the internet site’s gardenview, for example) for a lower price online than what we offer, that room may NOT be the same room type… hotels frequently cut deals “under the table” with internet companies for a substandard room type (overlooking the dumpster, next to the elevator, their “problem” rooms with the smell, etc.) that you would never get if you are our client. Basically, private clients are always, ALWAYS going to come out ahead in a sea of public online reservations & always be given preferential treatment. “VIP” trumps “regular” any day of the week… & “regular” may be trumped right out of the hotel! We’ve seen it happen to others, never to ours. After all, if you are the hotel clerk who has to pick someone to give that bad room to or send them away, wouldn’t you pick on the internet customer—ONE guy—rather than the private CLIENT of a private company with legions of people & contacts to back up that client? That hotel desk clerk KNOWS who to bother & who NOT to bother… & that clerk would rather upset ONE internet customer than a LEGION of others—the private client, the client’s travel agents, all the agents’ contacts at HQ, the agents’ hotel reps, dozens of people up & down the chain of command. It’s not a tough decision. Heaven help the airline or hotel who picks on a Tiki Trips client! J



Why? We aren’t going anywhere, unlike other places. In this economy, companies of every size, type, structure, line of business, location, you name it, are going BANKRUPT, belly-up, every day! Especially internet-based companies… they can go *POOF* overnight with NO warning. Do you know ANYONE at that second-rate online company with the cheesy name? Do you know anyone at that big online company who will back up your trip when that discount airline or hotel you booked bumps you or goes out of business? (You’d be shocked what you agreed to in the fine print...). We are starting to hear LOTS of stories about folks buying their trips online or with other companies they don’t know, & they get ready to go on their trip… & guess what, NO TRIP! No tickets, no reservations, that company has gone out of business… or just as bad, their airline or hotel shuts down, & they have nobody to call… and their money is GONE. Even if they somehow get their money back eventually (which is rare), their trip is ruined & cancelled, AND/OR it will cost them twice as much to RE-buy it last-minute when they find out what has happened! And what if it is for an ultra-important trip like your honeymoon? Can you afford to pay TWICE for that? Not many folks can. DON’T LET THIS NIGHTMARE HAPPEN TO YOU!


We at Tiki Trips pledge to provide you a quality vacation each & every time you make your travel plans with us. We strive to offer you a great value for your money at a fair price. We care about our clients & the quality of their experience on their trip; therefore we will at all times give you our honest opinion & professional assessment of the trip you are planning, no exceptions. When you book with us at Tiki Trips, you never, ever have to wonder “is this going to be a good place?” because we recommend ONLY what we know will be a quality vacation & a great experience for our travelers. How do we know? Because we have BEEN THERE! We travel extensively to many destinations & many hotels/resorts to find out what the best is… EXPERIENCE is EVERYTHING. “Quality” doesn’t have to mean “expensive”, & we always strive to offer you the most for your money. We also back up what we sell (buying travel on the internet doesn’t give you ANY backup) & assure you will get what you buy… we protect our clients in the unlikely event that something unforeseen happens to them… you have a live agent & real person to call! Our clients trust us completely because they know how we work & what we stand for... we love what we do, & folks tell us it SHOWS. Everything looks great on the internet, otherwise it wouldn’t be there… & “everything that glitters is not gold”, as they say. Nobody wants to buy garbage, therefore we don’t sell it! Simply put, the surest way to do the best travel destinations & resorts out there is to contact us at Tiki Trips… we are your agent & your FILTER for only the good stuff!


Bottom line, Tiki Trips offers PROTECTION to you for your trip & QUALITY ASSURANCE that you get what you buy. Unlike the internet, there is someone you know— your Tiki Trips agent-- that you can always call or visit our office for assistance before, during & after your trip! By booking with us at Tiki Trips & you’ll have peace of mind that your trip & your trip money are both safe with us… we’ll get it done right J



Check out our website’s other helpful links: -- Top Ten Reasons to book with Tiki Trips -- Testimonials from Tiki Trips clients themselves -- Crash course on planning a honeymoon  -- Tiki Trips’ Top Ten favorite honeymoon/vacation hot spots -- Exciting perks & pictures about destination weddings -- All you need to know about passports -- Come travel the world with our group of fun friends, the TIKI HEADS! -- Info & updates about our national TV show, Tiki Trippin’!



As always, if we may assist you with travel plans anywhere, please don’t hesitate to contact us,

we are here & happy to help!


-- Your Tiki Trips agents


2715-C McKinney Avenue
(in the heart of Uptown!)
Dallas, TX 75204
1-877-999-1009--toll free outside the DFW area





We would love to help you plan your next exciting vacation to:
Contact us today!


All payments are non-refundable once made; please be certain of travel plans before payment. PASSPORTS ARE NOW REQUIRED FOR U.S. CITIZENS TRAVELING TO ALL INTERNATIONAL DESTINATIONS (including MEXICO, CARIBBEAN ISLANDS & CANADA)... get one soon! (Passports can be obtained through your local gov't tax office or main U.S. post office… please visit our website's main page at the bottom for more helpful info on obtaining a passport). Don't forget to re-confirm all flights with the airline 24 hrs prior to travel for any last-minute changes, & be sure to arrive at the airport 2 hrs before departure with proper identification. Happy travels!